The dry mortar production line is being sent to Cote D’lvoire

A dry mortar mixing production line is about to be sent to Côte d’Ivoire. As peças da máquina de argamassa seca estão sendo carregadas no contêiner. O cliente customizou uma pequena linha de produção de argamassa seca. There is still a lot of space in the container. In order to make full use of the container, the customer purchased some more additives.

The Dry Mortar Production Line Is Being Sent To Cote D’lvoire
The Dry Mortar Production Line Is Being Sent To Cote D’lvoire

Shipping from Qingdao port to Côte d’Ivoire takes about 40-50 days by sea. During this period, we will prepare customs clearance documents for customers.

Which customs clearance documents are required? Please keep reading:

  1. Bill of Lading
  2. Commercial Invoice
  3. Freight Invoice
  4. Packing List
  5. Export Custom Declaration
  6. Certificate of Origin
  7. Certificate of Insurance
  8. D.A.I. (Declaration Anticipee D’Importation)

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